Adding Value
Wednesday, April 11th, 2012April 11, 2012
Another article of ours, focusing on adding value, appeared in the RHA magazine this month. I think over the last 10 years Redside has really become an expert at adding value to buildings and getting owners more out of their investments. Off the top of my head, I can think of more than 15 buildings where we’ve made significant changes that have positively added value to the bottom line over just the last couple years: Woodland, Alderview, Chester, OddFellows, N. Broadway (“Poppy” building, “Altura” building, and the “Bako” building), Westlake building, Norman, Lomita Vista, Capitol Ridge, Lakecrest, City’s Edge, Beach Landing, the Boston Apartments and others.
It’s fun to help people save money while also making better homes for residents–and we get better at this every time we do it.