Via6, Rising rates and home sales

Friday, June 28th, 2013

June 28th, 2013

I toured Via6 this week with a friend who was one of the developers. They did a great job thinking through the interiors and unit configurations and their lease rates and lease up speed prove this out. I’m also impressed with the effort they have put into the common areas. Having Tom Douglas as a base resident helps but this didn’t “just happen”–considerable thought was put into the layout and how the space would feel at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. If you haven’t been, it’s worth a look.

There has also been lots of news this week about rising interest rates and rising home sales, a couple articles from the national perch are linked to below. At some point, you would think that the continued upward pressure on interest rates will adversely impact home sales?

Rising rates…

Home sales cresting…